Thursday, January 05, 2006

Spinnerhunt '06 - the saga continues

Still no word back from ArcadeGames4U about their new Cyclone spinner... However, I've made a rather startling discovery!
Happ Controls' Store is selling the slikStik Tornado Spinner for nearly $20 cheaper than's online store!

--edit. My bad - while Happ sells them, they're actually the same price. I hadn't noticed that SlikStik includes a spinner knob for their $90 pricetag. Happ does not. Add one in and you see they are both charging roughly $90 for the spinner.

In any event I'll still wait a bit longer for the ArcadeGames4U folks to see what's up with that Cyclone. Otherwise I'll go back to el-cheapo from EZArcade.

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