Very Elevator action-inspired, still going for the retro vibe. Ironic since Elevator Action is actually a horizontal game, but i don't much care for trying too hard to be authentic (it's a difficult battle I'm not willing to wage). I've envisioned this being a wrap around a beveled control panel ala defender's CP. Main controls on top half, 1p/2p and 1coin/2coin on bottom half.
Anyone have any tips/examples of doing the control panel this way? Where I can get some CP overlay printed that's durable enough to not need plexiglass over it, but flexible enough to wrap the corner (or, if there's a way to have plexi wrap the corner, tips on how to do that? Seems like the wood is just a joint that's been routered round at the corner.

This will be a very shallow (~6") angled CP reminiscent of the Defender, yet ideally versatile enough for a wide variety of vertical games. Mag-Stik Plus with 3 action buttons. Do you think I'll be OK with only one bank of 3 buttons? Or should I save room for a redundant set for lefty's? and/or using trackball or spinner?
Given limited space, do you think I should include trackball as pictured? or instead a spinner? both? If anyone can tell me how to see what vertical games use trackball vs spinner, that'd be cool.
here's a mockup of what I may do initially to the cabinet. Eventually I will remove the atari art in favor of my own.

Love the new cab design, have you thought about dropping a spinner on the metacab jr. only and leaving if off the metacab? Since you've got the extra cab you'd be set for all your single player games with spinners like arkanoid and tempest (can't think of any of any spinner games that use more than 1 button anyway). 3 buttons and a spinner would be perfect for prob about 99% of your retro arcade games.
Any chance of finding a Tron style joystick? Then you'd have a Tron and discs of Tron set up :) mmmm, Tron.
"On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy."
I think the spinner only on "Metacab Jr." is a great idea... That way the "Metacab" (Sr.?) can stay simple with only the dual-player setup with 6 buttons apiece and trackball. Dunno if there's many/any dual-trackball games but I've ordered a second one, assuming I can squeeze it on the "Jr.".
Methinks Marble Madness had 2 trackballs in the arcade and Rampart used 3 trackballs and I seem to recall some sort of football game that used a couple trackballs as well.
Also, Cabal and whatever the sequel was called... Weird the things you can remember when they're in the back of your mind.
hey thanks for the game ideas. dual Marble madness would be super cool; however, it occurs to me that the Minipac only covers one trackball & 1 spinner (3 axes); 4axes required for dual trackballs, thus Opti-PAC (out of my budget). Then again, if I can sell one of the mini-pac's to rich, I could look into going the i-PAC/Opti-PAC route on the big Metacab... I think that allows up to 3 or 4 trackballs.
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