Well, I've gone ahead & ordered a white 2.25" trackball, single Mag-Stick Plus 8/4-way switchable joystick (black pear-shaped handle), another minipac, and a bunch of buttons for what Kilgour neatly dubbed "Metacab Jr.". This should be everything I need except for a spinner. I will see if there's indeed room for one on the Jr. once I have all the parts and can start to think more accurately about the CP dimensions. The trough currently in the Jr.'s empty cabinet is only 21" x 6" (the dimensions I used to design the CP overlay). I may well extend the CP outwards beyond the edge of the cab, though, if only a bit, since the monitor situation may require it if I can't fit a monitor in there without it poking forwards a bit.
Speaking of monitors, the bounty of my IT guy overfloweth! I asked him what ancient tech we have kicking around the closets at work and was informed of a P3 500Mhz and a 19" CRT! Perfect! I've tested them both out and they seem to work! I grabbed an ancient 15" CRT too, just in case the 19" won't fit. As they were all destined for the junk, it's good to be able to put them to good use. As I quipped to my manager today, "What good is an 8-year old computer? Well, it's great for playing 15-30year old games!"

Here's some pics of the two monitors i picked up, as well as my old 20" TV I had briefly considered using if required. Thankfully I can stick to computer monitors. They give a seriously sharper image!

After testing all three in the wee little cabinet, it became clear that both of the larger ones have some depth issues that could be resolved by decasing it or extending the back of the cabinet slightly where it needs it. However, since the biggest (20" TV) is a TV, I think I won't bother with that. The 15" fit easily but looked lame and tiny, even vertical. I think that the 19" CRT Dell monitor is the finalist, and will accompany the little Dell P3-500Mhz as chief tech for the Metacab Jr.

Here's a pic of the Dell. it's so old and tiny that it fit easily inside the bottom of the cabinet! Yay!
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