The sideart is an Atari theme that features Missile Command, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Breakout, Pong, Centipede, Asteroids, Video Pinball, Crystal Castles, and Lunar Lander. I can't seem to find an exact match for this on KLOV.com so I'm thinking it's a homemade cabinet. The fact that it has no coin door, no marquee to speak of, and no control panel adds to this suspicion. In any event, it's a great find and should save a bunch of time in constructing the Metacab!
Here are some pics... If you recognize the cabinet and can give me any more information about whether it ever existed in arcades or if it is just a DIY, I'd appreciate your comments/links.

looks like the GIGANTIC 21" CRT monitor doesn't fit in here depth-wise (even tho it's OK width/height). Either some major cabinet tweaks will be needed (extending the depth somehow?), the monitor removed from its casing, or I'll just give up on using the free cabinet. If I opt for the latter, maybe Rich can makeuse of it for his -- I know it would work with a smaller monitor...
turns out I decided to instead keep it and use it as a dedicated 1-player at a time vertical cabinet. I've got a spare P3 kicking around, and also a 19", 17" monitor and a 19" tv. With all these parts, something is bound to work :)
in case you can't do the math, this will ultimately give me with 2 cabinets in my arcade! [insert maniacal laughter here]
apparently this cab is likely made by BigGames, a hong-kong based manufacturer who's selling cheap pre-built arcade cabs through Target and others.
The fact that mine has Atari art (not Midway) is strange.
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