Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Spinner Hunt '06 Concluded?

Well after a week with no response from ArcadeGames4U, I decided to check their site again -- all the broken links were fixed & I could browse their catalog! Unfortunately I found that the Cyclone retails there for $75, not $60 as the retroblast review had indicated.

I think this means I've come full-circle on the spinner front, returning to the original $34 (+$6 for aluminum knob) bargain basement model from EZMount. I'm pretty certain the spin on this won't be even remotely comparable to the arcade-quality of the much more expensive options but frankly I really don't care since I just want something that will let me play Arkanoid and the like without having to use the trackball.

For the duration of my PCCP, I'm just going to stick to the Trackball. Who knows, maybe by the time I'm ready to build my real-deal cabinet, Oscar Controls will rise from its ashes like a phoenix. If not, I'll just snag an EZMount then.

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